Thursday, May 26, 2011

The difference between her and me

My daughter has a blog.  She is clever.  Consider the following that she posted today:

"1. Email is for spam and the occasional rogue authentic e-letter.
2. Facebook is for looking at other people's pictures and posting my own. Facebook is also for a very few status updates that are supposed to be relevant and comment-instigating.
3. Twitter is for practicing being clever and interesting. And for following my Internet Idols who are, by the way, clever and interesting.
4. My blog is for when I feel like waxing poetic or writing something longer or practicing my writing skills on people who already know me and therefore won't judge failed attempts."

I, on the other hand, would have said this:

1.  Email is for spam, offers to sell me things I rarely need, and work communication.
2.  Facebook is for looking at what everyone else is doing.  It is also for posting lame comments that are at least better than the ones I think of when I am in the shower.  Only my family members comment.  I think this is an attempt to salvage my post and make it relevant or funny.
3.  Twitter is for showing my followers that I am not clever nor interesting.  I can't even discipline my mind to be clever or interesting.  Uh-oh.
4.  My blog, which just started today, and which will probably not be written again, is an attempt to . . . well, it's not really an attempt at anything.  I just did it because it there was a big circle on the page advertising that I could have a blog of my own. 

I am a sucker for things like that.  See #1 above.

Grandmother and Granddaughter