Thursday, April 2, 2015

I am opting out . . . or not

I just deactivated my Twitter account.  Daily tweets coming in and going out won't be missed because I don't actively receive or give.  The 19 people who follow me?  What the heck??  I don't have anything important to say.  But thanks, anyway.

Several people, bless your hearts, have encouraged me to write a blog.  What the heck??  I am not funny, or witty, or great at anything I could share.  I am just me, and not very good at that either most of the time.

I could write about politics, but I gave up politics several years ago.  Too much stress, too much hate, too much pontificating.

You know what I want to write about?  Mayberry.  Yes, THAT Mayberry.  Where people sat on their front porches and shelled peas, and talked life.  Where good-hearted people looked after good-hearted people, and the drama was in how to avoid hurting someone's feelings.  That is where I want to live, and what I want to write about.  To prove that it exists.  That it wasn't just a TV show.   Simple times and good-hearted people sitting on their porches, shelling peas.

I wonder if this isn't what we all yearn for.    A simpler time and a happier place.

Uh oh.  Weather alert on my smart phone.  Hail storm on the way.

Simpler times will have to wait.

Grandmother and Granddaughter